I have received suggestions …

to write a series of articles to introduce you to the world of wine, all the nuances of different varietals, how to choose glassware, storage, cellaring and of course food pairing so keep an eye out for that in the coming weeks. Hope you find them informative and fun to read.

Published by thewineguy

I've been in the wine business in both Australia and the US for over 25 years with experience in the retail and wholesale, import, winery management, and hospitality industries and have a passion for all things wine. During my career I've been involved in --Wine Selection and Purchasing --Cellar Stocking --Wine List Curating --Food Pairings --Wine Tastings --Winery Tours In addition I've written a monthly newsletter for 6 years, taught classes and now, a blogger. I'm a firm believer in the simple believe of good friends, good food and good wine! I also believe you don't need an event to open a great bottle of wine, the opening of a great bottle of wine is the event.

2 thoughts on “I have received suggestions …

  1. Woot! Great idea. I love wine but my capacity for remembering a lot about it is limited. Please teach me.


  2. Hi Cheryl, keep an eye out soon, more installments to come. Have posted 3 in the Intro series but seemed to have slipped off the page. Trying to get that fixed at the moment.


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