Just a short note …

I wrote a monthly newsletter for 6 years and my dilemma was always how long should the story be and how much information. The same question arose when I was convinced to start this blog. All of that being said, I will post both longer articles and shorter ones and welcome comments. The focus will be on all things wine but occasionally, I will include semi related topics. I want this to be a broad discussion forum on wine, written in English, albeit an Australian version, and not ‘winese’ and with a sense of humor. In others words, let’s not take ourselves too seriously. I look forward to this journey!

I also have a few friends in the wine business who have an urge to write thoughts down on occasion so I may feature them from time to time.  

There is something magical about swirling a glass of wine, allowing the aroma’s to give you an impression of what your about to taste or better yet issue an invitation to indulge in a wonderful experience that you will never forget … and to that end I might suggest we are collectors of experiences, and memories, rather than just bottles of wine.

Published by thewineguy

I've been in the wine business in both Australia and the US for over 25 years with experience in the retail and wholesale, import, winery management, and hospitality industries and have a passion for all things wine. During my career I've been involved in --Wine Selection and Purchasing --Cellar Stocking --Wine List Curating --Food Pairings --Wine Tastings --Winery Tours In addition I've written a monthly newsletter for 6 years, taught classes and now, a blogger. I'm a firm believer in the simple believe of good friends, good food and good wine! I also believe you don't need an event to open a great bottle of wine, the opening of a great bottle of wine is the event.

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